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IMMIGRANT SERIES - Steps to Get an American Visa
Alright, I am no immigration lawyer but since a few of you asked, here I am writing a blog about the steps you need to take in order to...
An important topic frequently asked by my readers is working with manufacturers that will sign an NDA. This is a delicate topic and I...
Do you know those small, but super cozy places that have been in the neighborhood forever but you didn’t notice? Well, that is The...
IMMIGRANT SERIES - There is no crying in NYC
One of the things that I love to say about NYC is that there is no crying here. If you don’t stand up, get your shit together, and figure...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - Wholesale VS Direct-to-customer
I know I have written blogs about wholesale and direct-to-customer, but I wanted to dig into this topic a little more and share with you...
IMMIGRANT SERIES - We All Need A Little Help in The Beginning
After the IMMIGRANT SERIES - Steps to Start College in NYC blog post, a lot of you asked how did I afford all the paperwork, visa fees,...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - Fear Will Block You From Seeing Career Opportunities
I like to think that some people are lucky enough to know exactly what they want to do with their careers. Me, for example, I had no idea...
IMMIGRANT SERIES - Always Take Responsibility For Your Acts
Ok, I admit that I am writing this blog not only because I wanted to share tips on how to become the best professional you can be, but...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - Not Everything in The Fashion Business is About Fashion
After opening up about my new job as a costing coordinator, a lot of my readers asked what are the responsibilities within my role and...
IMMIGRANT SERIES - Steps to Start College in NYC
Alright, you all know that I came to NYC with a student visa, went to college, got an internship, grew my career, bla bla bla. But one...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - Don't quit, seek help instead!
One of the things I have learned after years in the fashion industry is that it is ok to not enjoy every little piece involved in running...
IMMIGRANT SERIES - Books Are The Best Friends You Can Have
In Brazil, we have a popular saying “An empty head is the devil’s office”. Not sure if it is the same in English, but this popular saying...
An important thing to make sure your garments are perfect is doing a quality check. But one thing that a lot of people do not know is...
IMMIGRANT SERIES - The Struggle is Real, But I Wouldn’t Choose a Different Life
When starting a conversation with me, most people immediately catch that I am not American. Some people get confused by my accent...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - When Is The Right Time To Grow Your Business?
A very asked question is: when to expand the business? Growing your brand can mean different things. Are you increasing your production...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - Costing & Profit Margins: High Fashion VS Fast Fashion
One of the most asked questions about the fashion industry is what is the difference between fast fashion and high fashion brands....
IMMIGRANT SERIES - Sometimes You Just Have to Accept That You are Adulting
If you are anything like me you know that accepting adulthood is a little hard. I know that growing up, becoming the person you always...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - New Items or Larger Production Numbers?
Increasing production quantities or adding different styles to your collection is a frequently asked question when starting a fashion...
INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - Building a sustainable fashion brand
Moving forward with our INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY blog series, sustainability is something that I always wanted to talk about, but...
Sales are the most important part of any business. We all know that goes unsaid. But sales can be more than simply making money. Sales...
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