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2020 is the year that best describes the expression “WTF after WTF?” and honestly there is no better description, but let's face it: covid19 and quarantine have taught us a lot about appreciating ordinary things in our routine and self reflection.

Working in the office everyday, coffee with friends, drinks after work and regular Sunday brunch were all ordinary things which used to happen automatically on my schedule and represented who I am, but I only realized that during quarantine when the self reflect button switched to “mode on”.

Feels like there was a moment during quarantine when everybody’s self reflect button switched to “mode on” and it was a “mode on with 100% focus and criticism about what am I doing with my life”. I owe a lot of personal growth and self care to this quarantine and have seen so many friends flipping their lives around and focusing on what is going to be better for them in the long run- which is exactly what happened to me as well.

Sometimes (ok, all the time) we are running errands, getting work done and focusing on daily tasks but we forget to turn off the autopilot to think and reflect about what are we really doing with our lives, what our goals and dreams are and how are we letting the autopilot ruin it all. Extra time isolated simply made people stop and think which led us to this moment of change, appreciation of simple things and focus on what is actually best for us and how we can make it happen. A change of habits was necessary to adapt to the “new normal”, but changing our personal habits made a bigger difference - I noticed that change when it was 5pm and I stopped working on my regular job stuff and kept working on stuff for myself and my future instead of netflix.

It is a slow process and a learning curve of self discipline to stay focused, not let daily tasks and comfort zone consume you (again), but I have never felt so good about where I am with my career and that is something that I have seen in my friends and people around me as well.

No, covid19 is not a joke and no, quarantine was not “fine” at all! There is, for sure, the good side which has been helpful for all of us in terms of personal growth, but it affected a lot of business and definitely taught a lesson about leadership and entrepreneurship spirit in each business owner who managed to stay strong.

The fashion industry has changed - again. Fashion weeks happened virtually and new brands have focused on local productions (especially with importation tariffs and shipment delays from China) and quality over quantity. After all, a successful brand or a successful launch does not depend on a lot of different styles or quantities. The opposite! It depends on the right marketing, right collection put together and the right quality.


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