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IMMIGRANT SERIES - How To Keep Your Live Together

For those who have followed me for a while, you all know that I have been through a lot. When I moved to NYC I had temporary jobs, I went back to school, I started from the bottom. I took all the steps needed to build my career and get to where I wanted to be. But let me tell you, life keeps teaching me that, for every beginning, there is a step back and, most importantly, you need to have focus and learn how to keep your shit together. I have been through a lot of changes recently and, honestly, I am grateful that I did and that I (re)learned my goals.

I was thinking if I wanted to write this blog, but I have to share the good, the bad, and all the steps I have taken to build a life in NYC. Inspiring people who want to do the same is my goal, so here I am, ready to open up about the last few months of my life. Believe me, it was chaos.

Let me start from the beginning, seven months ago when I quit my job. For me, taking that step was huge. I didn’t just quit my job. For me, it was the decision to leave a company that I love, developed a really good relationship with the owner (who is still my mentor), and do things on my own - which is SO scary. That was a step I never thought I would take because I really loved my job, the company I worked for and that company, with that owner, were the people who guided me and stood up for me in hard times. But let’s face it, life is about changes, and when I saw the opportunity of doing better for my community of fashion lovers and immigrants living in NYC I embraced the chance.

There is no shame in the desire to grow and do better for yourself. If you are anything like me, you know that we are not settled. I am always seeking more, seeking to learn something different, seeking to grow as a person and as a professional. When I decided to quit my job and follow my heart, I knew that I was making the right choice, but, to be honest, my choices always tend to bite me in the ass…

No, I do not regret my decision and I feel like I am in a better position right now, but it took me pretty good 7 months of being miserable to realize that I needed to get my shit together. Which I know is a hard thing to do when life is falling apart.

I quit my job, I started my company, I had a side job to make extra money, I hurt my knee, I didn’t work for two months, I had to live out of my savings and, obviously, look for extra side jobs when I could walk again. Honestly, running my company and dealing with the little clients I had was the only thing that kept me going and, I have to be honest, I hated my side jobs…

Not that I hated, ok, I was just not happy about what I was doing with my life. Writing my blogs and helping my clients is my favorite thing to do, but let’s face it, every startup needs a minute to get off the ground. That is why I was still working side jobs that made me miserable. I have done this already. I went through all the steps needed to build a career in NYC. Working on temporary jobs to fill up my time is not my goal anymore. That was when I realized that I could do better than simply run my own business and have a side job that I hate. I could work on a side job that I also love.

That was the moment that I realized that coaching my clients and writing my blogs is my favorite thing to do, but I wanted more. I want to work for a big company, show my potential and make that one company better and better. I want it all! So I finally put my value out there and decided to jump into a new job where I knew I would be doing what I love.

Let me tell you something, the moment I realized that I was miserable and I had to get my shit together, things HAPPENED! There is no reason to stay home crying about life when you don’t help yourself. Do you want a new job? Go and get it! Do you want a better relationship? Go and get it! There is no excuse for failing when you are working towards your goals, the only thing is: you need to know what your goals are!

It is really hard to stop and replan your entire life. Especially when you are going through a hard time. Feels like everything around you is falling apart, but you need to know how to get your shit together. Listen to your guts, sit down and write the things you want for your life, what are your career goals and things will be more clear. As I said, life keeps teaching me that, for every beginning, there is a step back. I also needed that step back to realize what I want for my career. There is no shame in taking a step back, but you have to know how you want to move forward.


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