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INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - New Brands Securing Funding in 2024 & How to Be One of Them

During my 30-minute strategy calls some of the most frequently asked questions are “Should I work with investors?” and “Where can I find them?”. I already wrote a full blog about this, INSIDE THE FASHION INDUSTRY - Working With Investors, however, since this is a topic that sparks curiosity in everyone, including those who aren’t looking to start a fashion line, let's discuss new emerging brands and some of their main investors. 

In 2024, a blend of venture capitalists, angel investors, and industry giants have been pivotal in providing financial backing to rising brands. Let's delve into the new brands that received funding and the key players behind these investments.

New Brands on the Rise

1. EcoChic

Funding Secured: $5 MillionKey Investors: Green Ventures, EcoInvest Capital

EcoChic, a brand dedicated to sustainable fashion, has made a mark with its innovative use of recycled materials and eco-friendly production methods. Green Ventures and EcoInvest Capital, known for their focus on sustainability and green technologies, recognized EcoChic's potential to lead the eco-fashion movement and provided substantial funding.

2. TechTrend

Funding Secured: $7 MillionKey Investors: Future Fashion Fund, Silicon Style Ventures

TechTrend is at the forefront of integrating technology with fashion, offering smart fabrics and wearable tech that have garnered attention from both the tech and fashion communities. Future Fashion Fund and Silicon Style Ventures, both prominent supporters of tech-driven fashion startups, provided the necessary funding to accelerate TechTrend’s growth and innovation.

3. UrbanNomad

Funding Secured: $4.5 MillionKey Investors: CityStyle Capital, Urban Ventures

UrbanNomad blends streetwear with high fashion, creating a unique style that appeals to the urban youth. CityStyle Capital and Urban Ventures, with their deep connections in urban fashion markets, saw significant potential in UrbanNomad’s innovative approach and decided to back the brand.

Key Investors and How to Reach Them

Green Ventures

Focus: Sustainable and eco-friendly startupsContact: Through their online submission portal or via networking events related to sustainability.

Future Fashion Fund

Focus: Tech-driven fashion brandsContact: They host pitch events and are active at major tech and fashion conferences where new brands can pitch their ideas directly.

CityStyle Capital

Focus: Urban and street fashion brandsContact: Networking at urban fashion events and industry meetups is key to gaining an introduction.

How Emerging Brands Can Reach These Investors

  1. Networking at Fashion and Industry Events: Attend major fashion weeks, sustainability conferences, and tech-fashion meetups. These events are prime opportunities to connect with potential investors and pitch your brand.

  1. Online Presence and Pitch Decks: Maintain a strong online presence showcasing your brand’s vision, products, and sustainability practices. A compelling pitch deck that highlights your unique selling points, market potential, and business model can make a significant impact.

  1. Incubators and Accelerators: Join fashion and tech incubators or accelerators that provide not only funding but also mentorship and networking opportunities. These programs often have direct connections to potential investors.

  1. Direct Submissions and Introductions: Many investment firms have online submission portals for business plans and pitch decks. Personal introductions through industry contacts can also pave the way for meetings with potential investors.

What Emerging Brands Need to Do

1. Innovate and Differentiate

Investors are looking for brands that offer something unique. Whether it’s through sustainable practices, technological integration, or a distinct style, differentiation is key.

2. Strong Business Plan

A well-thought-out business plan that outlines your market strategy, growth potential, and financial projections is crucial. This shows investors that you have a clear path to profitability.

3. Sustainability and Social Responsibility

With a growing focus on ethical fashion, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility can attract investors who prioritize these values.

4. Market Understanding

Show that you have a deep understanding of your target market, including consumer behavior, trends, and competitors. This knowledge can assure investors of your brand’s potential to succeed.

5. Networking and Visibility

Building relationships within the industry and maintaining visibility through media, social platforms, and industry events can attract investor attention and open doors to funding opportunities.

Again, each case is a case and it mainly depends on your financial situation when starting a brand. So, for emerging brands who need to secure funding, understanding how to reach out to investors as well as which investor to contact is crucial for securing the support needed to thrive in this industry.


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